Privacy Pledge
At Sunshine, we know that you’re trusting us when you use our products and services, and we want to be clear in our commitment: when you use our services, we will protect your data, keep it safe, and never sell it.
Your data is not for sale
You should never have to wonder who is seeing or using your data. We will not sell your data, your contacts, your location, or any of the information you give to Sunshine. Never.
Everything that we get from you improves the Sunshine experience
We understand the trust that you place on us when you give us access to personal data like your address book, email contents, and location, and we will use every piece of personal information that you give us to improve your experience with Sunshine and deepen your own contacts.
Sharing is a choice
Sunshine Smart Contacts makes it easy to share information about yourself and other people in your address book — if you want to. We will only share contact info that we get from your address book with other users if you ask us to do so. You are always in control of your contacts.
We’re committed to data security
When you use Sunshine you’re giving us access to some of the most personal data about yourself and the people you care about. We’re committed to protecting that data. We follow strict security practices for every piece of data in our system, and our practices are regularly vetted by third-party security audits.
View our privacy policy.